Welcome to TaiwanBrand Footprint 2024
With the impacts of COVID-19 in Taiwan continuing into 2022, 2023 saw some major shifts in consumer behaviour.
Shoppers adopted a much more fragmented, social and active lifestyle compared with the previous year, with a strong desire to nurture social connections. This manifests itself in a number of ways:
A slowdown in in-home food and beverages expenditure, as shoppers prioritise out-of-home (OOH) consumption and non-food categories. We however expect to see this stabilise somewhat in 2024.
Revenge travel, with more time spent abroad and influencing in market choices.
Self-care and social connections becoming a key priority, leading to a more holistic approach to health as well as a ‘revenge pampering’ trend.
Reduced shopping frequency, as shoppers carry some of their pandemic habits of purchasing larger baskets, particularly in Costco and e-commerce platforms, into the new normal.
Aside from adapting to this post-COVID evolution, successful brands in Taiwan must also flex in line with the underlying trends associated with a super aged, lower birth rate society. This creates extra fragmentation in shopping behaviour, and interactions with consumers need to be determined through the lens of both families and silver shoppers with potentially smaller households.
We know that brands grow by being meaningfully different to more people, and this is exactly what the most chosen brands in Taiwan have achieved this year.
The pillars of brand growth are:
Predispose more people. Being top of mind and relevant for as many potential consumers as possible is critical.
Be more present. Shoppers’ journeys and shopping missions evolved in 2023, so this is about being agile in where and how to play.
Find new space. Create new opportunities for usage occasions by understanding new needs. Some of the fastest rising brands have leveraged new flavours or new moments to achieve this.
Congratulations to all the brands featuring in our ranking!
我們知道,品牌成長需「讓更多人感受到有意義的不同」(being meaningfully different to more people),而這正是今年品牌足跡台灣最受歡迎FMCG品牌所具備的。