Our new research
If current approaches are not working, then we need to understand why. We need better insight into what best splits people apart with regard to their attitudes, values and behaviours, and what research approaches will best gather data that drives action.
While most existing segmentations focus on two primary inputs: attitudes or values related to sustainability, and their behaviours related to sustainability, this time round, we’ve added in a different approach.
Based on Kantar’s behavioural science fuels and frictions model, we can identify deep seated beliefs that drive action or are stopping people from behaving more sustainably.
Our questionnaire tested responses to 10 clusters of behaviours that reduce negative impact in the world, built from our existing behavioural knowledge bank as well as by closely reviewing The Low Carbon Lifestyles Wheel: Behaviours, Barriers and Benefits.
This allowed us to examine behaviours – described in everyday language – covering four key topics: transport, housing, diet and purchases (including waste). We then added four additional behaviours: collective action behaviours such as campaigning, purchases related to social sustainability issues such as equality, reducing water usage and investing money for positive impact.
This piece of work has focused on six markets, giving us a snapshot of different regions and cultures.
The markets covered are: The United States, The United Kingdom, South Africa, India, The Philippines and Singapore
A survey was designed covering attitudes, values and behaviours, including cells of differently phrased questions to allow analysis on which questions generate more meaningful data and do not prime specific responses. The survey was conducted online in August and September 2024 with 3600 people.
The segments that Kantar are developing from this work will be tested across a wider geographical coverage and larger sample size.