Inspiring our clients
The Inclusion Index is a Kantar product aimed at measuring progress on inclusive culture and provide actionable steps to create a sense of belonging. You can find more information around our internal Inclusion Index results here.
We are dedicated to extending the methodologies that we use ourselves to benefit our clients. In 2021, we had the privilege of working with the Advertising Association and World Federation of Advertisers in the UK to support their I&D strategies with Kantar’s Inclusion Index. This has led to further opportunities outside of the UK, with Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and Advertising Council Australia.
We’re excited to develop the Inclusion Index for our clients, working with more clients to create new benchmarks. More broadly, our Inclusion Index is about using this data to drive action, and making the world of work a better, more inclusive environment for all.
Thanks to All In [powered by the Inclusion Index], we have an incredibly rich data set to mine. It provides strong and clear direction for the UK advertising industry as it strives to become a more diverse workforce that allows employees to bring their whole selves to work and thrive and develop in an inclusive environment. It also provides a benchmark for progress to be measured against.
Throughout 2021, the Inclusion & Diversity Workstream in Kantar Operations, Technology and Profiles ensured that the work we do internally around I&D is reflected in the work that we carry out for clients, so they are supported to understand their diverse customers and consumers. As part of this, Kantar is committed to making sure we reach beyond majority populations, and our research is inclusive of people who are from minority groups.
An important part of our questionnaire design means that the questions we ask our respondents aim to be broad and inclusive and allow responses that reflect the way that they see themselves and their lives. We have therefore developed standard questions when asking about personal characteristics, such as gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation and disability.
Reflective of our I&D commitment, we have also started transitioning towards questions which go beyond the gender binary of ‘male’ and ‘female’ by providing respondents with the option to identify as non-binary, genderfluid or to self-identify.
The inclusive demographic guidance has been broadly shared internally at Kantar and has also been integrated into Qlib, our questionnaire authoring tool.
To be inclusive in our research, it is not just about the questions that we ask; it is also about how we ask them. Here are a few of the steps that we have taken to break down barriers and ensure our research truly reflects the clients we serve and the communities we work in.
We have extended our mobile survey app, LifePoints, into markets that have a higher propensity for mobile vs. PC usage.
We have opened our panellist recruitment to social networks and beyond traditional affiliate recruitment, to engage with more diverse populations who do not always have access to email.
The Technology team is undertaking work to ensure our surveys are accessible for disabled people who may have specific barriers.
The business case for diversity, equity, and inclusion has never been stronger. They are not just moral imperatives, but integral to unlocking the innovation, resilience, and new ideas that will inspire our people, impact our clients, and accelerate our growth in meaningfully sustainable ways. As one of the world’s leading Market Research Agencies, we have a privilege and duty at Kantar to ensure our data truly reflects the diverse world we serve, which is why we are proactively leaning-in on helping the industry step up on being the best at getting better when it comes to shining an authentic spotlight on underrepresented groups and embracing differences.