Anticipating the 2025 festive season
In 2024, the festive season exhibited faster growth compared with the previous year, boosted by the election. Demand for traditional festive products continued to increase, indicating a significant and organic growth trend, especially among the core buyers: adult shoppers. Plenty of opportunities for other categories to recruit shoppers also emerged, such as beauty for younger Indonesians. By learning from this year, brands can plan for the upcoming festive season with a targeted strategy designed to recruit more shoppers.
Next year, with no election and the festive season arriving earlier in the calendar (2 March – 3 April), brands must prepare early to align their marketing strategies, innovation, and promotional campaigns accordingly. By initiating planning processes well in advance, manufacturers can position themselves to effectively cater to evolving consumer trends and preferences, leveraging every shopping occasion to recruit shoppers and improve market share during this vital period of higher consumer spending.