Understand how and why personal care routines changes over time
Understand Habits and regimes and how these have changed over time and to ensure you are meeting emerging needs. Trends from 2008 in key markets.
Appreciate Global differences and similarities in personal care habits and motivations.
Go beyond Who is buying your product to understand the end user and what motivates them. Only by meeting the needs and routines of the user can you ensure your product gets into the shopping basket.
Ensure Your marketing, comms and new product development targets the right people at the right occasion with the right message against competitors.
Who is using? What are their characteristics? What do they look like? What are their needs and concerns?
What products and brands are they using? What else is in their repertoire? What is their competitive set?
When do they use them and what drives the occasion?
Where are they buying and using their products? Why do they use particular products and why do they purchase? How do they develop their personal care routine and how does it change over the week?
over 50,000 diaries a year