Technology has had a huge impact on market research, creating a new generation of faster and easier-to-use tools that help brands discover what consumers truly think, while drastically shortening the time between putting a survey in-field and retrieving valuable consumer feedback.
Deliverables that once took weeks can now be completed in as little as a few hours. Automation has also streamlined process by making survey research more repeatable – brands can get feedback on innovation concepts or test creative by inputting a few simple parameters into a templated online survey, rather than recreating the survey each time.
The combination of our technology and longstanding data collection can reduce your time and spend.
Using Machine Learning to create prediction algorithms allows us to better understand data that will enhance your brand's future.
Impact of technology on market research
The aim of the propensity model is to measure how likely consumers are to cancel or stick with a product that they had acquired. We can compare and contrast against their competitors to see how the client base is made up.
An additional benefit is the ability to manipulate sample size.
As a result, increasing the sample size significantly allows for further, more overarching, analysis. For example, what areas make ‘churners’ leave the brands.
We collect data from the same respondents every period and can track usage changes, satisfaction drivers, etc., over time.
This allows us to assess the accuracy of the model over time and retrain the AI to improve results.
Look at a scale of 0-100 on how likely the consumers are going to churn/remain loyal. It will be able to show the client how ‘healthy’/’unhealthy’ your base is and what proportion it makes up vs. your competitors.
Microsoft Customer Story-Kantar uses Azure Machine Learning to help streaming services drive market growth)